(new website)
New USEF Rules/Requirements
1. Now riders MUST fill out their USEF drug declaration details online. Take a look at this before you enter a show. Here is the link: 2022 USEF Drug Declaration Form
2. All USEF memberships and horse recordings also must be applied for online directly to USEF and no longer may be submitted on paper forms to show management. Also every horse competing at USEF-recognized shows must have at least a USEF Horse ID or better.
3. Now only one Show Pass may be issued per year to a competitor who is not a USEF member, and that Show Pass must be applied for online directly to USEF.
NEW TESTS: USDF and USEF present new dressage tests for 2023.
Click here for the NEW TESTS !
HOST HOTEL: We will be using LaQuinta Inn and Suites, 1184 Dogwood Drive SE, Conyers, GA 30012, (770) 918-0092. Their breakfast room opens each morning at 6 a.m.
More Information for Competitors
REFUNDSwill be given in full prior to the closing date for any reason. After the closing date, there will be no refunds. However, in the case of illness or injury to horse or rider, a show credit slip (excluding non-refundable drug fee, the office fee, any qualifying fees and cost of shavings if they are not recovered) may be issued toward a future GHF show with a veterinarian’s or physician’s certificate (the certifying vet or doctor may not be owner, rider or trainer) received by management no later than 10 days after the show. To get credit, the rider or representative must notify the show secretary in person before show starts so the riding times may be filled. Do not use messages, texts or e-mails without confirmation of receipt by the show. USEF requires that competitors must notify the secretary when leaving the grounds before show ends.
SUBSTITUTIONS: GR910 Substitutions 1. Substitution of a horse may not be made after the announced date of the closing of entries, except: . . . If a horse is sold or injured after the closing of entries, Competition Management may allow an exhibitor to post enter another horse in the same class but the new entry must be given another number. A bill of sale or vet note is required. This competition management also will allow an exhibitor to post enter another rider if the entered rider is injured or ill, verified by a doctor's note.
CANCELLATION OF CLASSES: There will be no refunds (with the exception of USDF qualifying fees) if the show or classes are canceled because of weather, accident or other emergency beyond the control show management. However, if the show is canceled before the show is set up and before horses arrive on the grounds, competitors will receive a show credit (including any USDF qualifying fees) less a $20 office fee.
GR503 Required Measurements and Re-measurements for Ponies
An 8 year old pony can get a permanent card for Dressage. A 6 year old pony can get a permanent pony card for Hunter/Jumper at age 6. Age is determined by GR102 Age (of Equine) from Jan. 1st of the year in which they turn the required age.
When show is delayed by lightning,
take it seriously--here's why--click here!
An awards ceremony will be held, weather permitting, on Sunday following the last ride before the lunch break. Full-dress attire is required for everyone—coats will not be waived for this event. A winner in full attire may receive an award on foot if it is too hot for him/her to wear a coat while mounted. The handler and assistants must wear helmets—no exceptions.
CLARIFICATION: Dressage Rule 122:7b Execution of Tests: “. . . In a movement which must be carried out at a certain point of the arena, it should be done at the moment when the competitor’s body is above this point, except in transitions where the horse approaches the letter from a line diagonal or perpendicular to the point where the letter is positioned. In this case, the transition must be done when the horse’s nose reaches the track at the letter so that the horse is straight in the transition. This includes the execution of flying changes.” This applies to USEF/USEA Eventing tests as well.
NEW APP FOR COMPETITOR SCORES: There is a new app from the Apple App Store that riders can download to their i-phones that will allow them to see the individual scores on their test sheets. It is called "Competitor Tent" and it has access to nearly two million show records from local schooling shows to FEI CDI *** events, with overall and movement by movement scores automatically uploaded if tests are e-scored for analytics for the benefit of riders and trainers. App Privacy Policy
CAMPER/RV DETAILS FOR GIHP: For all our shows at the Georgia International Horse Park, Conyers, GA, competitors who have paid for campers on their entries can check in with Terry Darby, the shavings vendor for Queen Wood Products, when they get to the show. He can unlock your camper site if you call him to tell him where to meet you when you choose your location. His cell phone number is 770-855-8793. E-mail: Terry Darby .
FOR YOUNG RIDERS: When a rider turns 18, he/she must compete as a Young Rider until the end of their 21st year, even though "Amateur" appears on USEF card.
ILLEGAL: The "crescent nose band" is no longer allowed.
SADDLE PADS AND LOGOS: Not only may the barn owner wear the farm logo at USEF competitions, but boarders and others who ride there may wear the farm logo as well, but advertising of products or companies is still not allowed. The pads must be of conservative (dark) color and may have contrasting trim or piping. Multi-colored or striped pads are not allowed.
SEATSAVERS are NOT allowed for dressage competition per USEF rules.
LIMITS TO RIDERS: USEF is now requiring shows to post map of the competition facilities, indicating where competitors may ride and what areas are off limits. Please look for those maps at GHF shows so you can stay on the right path.
PERFEKT PAKET REFUND: We have increased the office fee to $40 so that competitors whose entries are complete (Perfekt!) on first receipt will get half of the office fee back--$20 in cash--actually a reduction in the office fee for the careful competitor. If the entry has documents trickling in before the show but is complete when the rider gets to the show, the rider will receive a $10 refund.
EQUINE ISOLATION PLAN: USEF requires an Isolation Plan for all competitions in the event of an outbreak of infectious equine disease. All competitors must be in compliance if and when a horse becomes ill. See links for details:
Georgia State requirements for transportation of horses
THE TIME SCHEDULE will be posted on the show's website: Ride Times Page on the day before the competition. The information is also accessible on your i-phone. Ride times may not be changed after noon the day before the start of the competition, except in compliance with GR830.5.
ON-LINE ENTRIES: GHF show accept entries on line through Equestrian Entries ( ). There is a link to their website on their logo on the GHF website front page. If you do not already have a user account with , you may sign up now. If you are a first-time user, you can get $5 off your first paid on-line entry submission. Input the following in the Coupon Code in the payment section: FIRSTENTRY. You can print your entry and mail it with a personal check, or pay on-line with a credit card. If you chose to pay online there is a 3% fee plus a $5.00 handling charge. There is no charge to join Equestrian Entries, create an entry or print an entry. So if you chose to pay by personal check, the service is free.
VETERINARIANS: Dr. Dan Carter, 770-787-4711.
Countryside Animal Hospital, Jersey, GA.
VIDEOGRAPHER: Richard Taylor, 404-308-8713,
FARRIERS: Lucas Gilleland (official farrier), 678-873-2555 or text; other farriers:
Brian Fitzgerald, Atlanta, GA, 310-625-8712
Stan Davis, 678-410-9449
Jamie Wilcox, 706-248-3260
Nick Knapp, Monroe, GA 770-616-1395
Glenn Nasworthy, Covington, GA 404-245-6524
BRAIDER: Tonya Scruggs, 678-588-4280. Please call for appointments.
NIGHT WATCH PERSON: Aaron Talbot, 770-871-9202 or text preferred
to this number: 678-327-4228.
SHAVINGS: Terry Darby, e-mail: Queen Wood Products, or call: 770-855-8793
CAMPER SITES UNLOCKED: e-mail: Terry Darby or call: 770-855-8793
Vendor and Advertising Form
(Prize lists are posted on the Calendar page)
GIHP FARRIER/VET BUILDING: The veterinarians and farriers shed at the Georgia International Horse Park is located near Barn 5 (next to Pavilion building where the shavings are sold). Please tell the vet or farrier about this facility so that you can meet them there. Vets must not park next to barn/stall in the fire lane. This building may be used as an ISOLATION BARN in case of an equine virus outbreak.
SCRIBES' COORDINATOR: Danielle Perry is in charge of scribes at our shows. Anyone interested in scribing may contact her at 404-219-1266.
GIHP TRAILER PARKING: Competitors may park their trailers in the vacant lot near GIHP's Barn 6--unless posted signs indicate otherwise--or if there is a big tent there--a real indicator of otherwise! Cars and trucks may park in the "retail" parking lot across the road, but trailers are not allowed to park in the "retail" lot.
BREAKFAST: The concessions stand opens at 7 a.m. each day for breakfast. LaQuinta Inn and Suites will have their breakfast room open at 6 a.m. each show day. Please use UberEats, DoorDash and other delivery services for other meals at hotels.
NOT ALLOWED: Bicycles, Segways, hover boards, and single-wheeled scooters and other similar vehicles are not allowed around the show barns where horses may be ridden or around arenas during the show for the safety of riders at GHF shows. While most people are considerate and understand the volatile nature of horses, it is the few mindless adults or children who can hurt someone. These vehicles, including golf carts, are not allowed on the road in front of and between the competition arenas where horses are moving from the barns and warm-up to the covered arena at all GHF shows.
STALL IDENTIFICATION LABELS: Please do not move your stall charts for horse or tack stalls. If you have a stabling problem, please contact the show office. There may be stallions and mares with issues and we sometimes position tack stalls to protect them and keep quiet in the barns. The show management gives each competitor a label for personal and emergency information for each horse entered in the show.
BARN 6 and CAMPER LOT: There is a camper lot with water and electricity (no sewer) right next to Barn 6 at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers. If you have a camper and want to be very close to your horse, put a sticky note on your entry form to request Barn 6 stabling and your stall will be located at the camper lot end of the Barn 6. However, we do not use Barn 6 at every show--contact show manager about this. All camper sites can be unlocked by Terry Darby who also sells shavings at the horse park.
The Good Horseman® Foundation
4567 Rockbridge Rd., PO Box 297, Pine Lake, GA 30072
404-289-9328 cell
Copyright © The Good Horseman® Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Site designed by Kathryn Patton
Please address comments to Good Horseman®